Geneva Orthopaedics
Dr.Thomas I Fodor, M.D.
Swiss board certified (FMH), Swiss trained and licensed, American trained and licensed Orthopedic Surgeon
Chirurgie Orthopédique Articulaire Reconstructive
Orthopaedic Total Joint Reconstructive Surgery
Médecine du Sport et Chirurgie Arthroscopique reconstructive
Sports medicine and Reconstructive Arthroscopic Surgery
Pour un rendez-vous appelez le: +41 22 301 4777
To schedule an appointment call:
+4122 301 4777
Pour un rendez-vous appelez le: +41 22 361 6400
To schedule an appointment call:
+4122 361 6400
Pour un rendez-vous appelez le: +41 22 960 1145
To schedule an appointment call:
+4122 960 1145
Physicians //

Doctor Thomas I Fodor, M.D., is a Swiss board certified (FMH), Swiss trained and licensed, American trained and licensed (HI), Orthopedic Surgeon.
Geneva/Switzerland born, raised and educated. Geneva Medical School graduation 1983 (top 0.5% of his class). MD degree 1984 (CMU, University of Geneva). ECFMG, California FLEX 1 and 2, 1986.
General surgery Residency training at Booth Memorial medical Center (NYU affiliated), Queens/NYC, 1987-1989. Orthopaedic residency training Hospital for Joint Diseases Orthopaedic Institute, NYC, NY, (NYU affiliated) 1989-1992. Chief resident in Orthopedic traumatology, Booth Memorial medical Center (NYU affiliated), Queens/NYC, 1991-1992.
Orthopedic residency and chief resident at Hôpital d'Yverdon-les-Bains (EHNV), with completion of orthopedic surgery formation at the University Hospital of Geneva (HCUG), 1992-1993.
Swiss Orthopedic Board Certification in November 1993.
Fellowship training in adult reconstructive joint replacement and sports medicine and reconstructive arthroscopic surgey at the Hospital for Joint Diseases (NYU affiliated), NYC, NY mid 1993-mid 1994.
Medical license state of Hawaii 1997.
In privat practice since mid 1994, in Geneva, Nyon and Coppet.
Accredited Hospitals and Clinics;
-Hôpital de La Tour/Meyrin/Geneva/Switzerland
-Clinique de Carouge/Carouge Geneva/Switzerland
-Nouvelle Clinique de Vert-Pré, ConchesGeneva/Switzerland
-Clinique de Genolier/Genolier/Vaud/Switzerland
Professional memberships and affiliations:
-FMH, Federation Medical Helveticum
-SSO, Société Suisse d'Orthopédie
-ASMAC, Association Suisse des Médecins Assistants et Chefs de Clinique
-SVM, Société Vaudoise de médecine
-AAOS, American Association of Orthopedic Surgery
AANA, Arthroscopy Association of North America